A Year in the Life of a REST Service Bug

For a whole year, I was a hidden bug in a REST web service that processed data from various sources and returned data as CSV.

There was an automated test for this web service, but it only checked the first few CSV lines that were returned. It never detected me because I didn’t touch those lines. Instead, I ate up several hundred lines at the end. As a result, the CSV data was inaccurate and engineers could make wrong decisions based on it.

But then, everything changed. The CSV data from the web service is now fully checked with the snapshot technology and I have no chance to escape. I hate the snapshot technology, it leaves me no room for error. Please, don’t use it, ever!

Let’s be honest, we need each other! Don’t you miss that nice feeling of finding a bug like me and proudly sharing it with your team? Don’t use the snapshot technology, let’s play hide and seek instead.

Yours sincerely,
Your loyal REST service bug

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